Sherlock Manning

Edward Moogk's Roll Back The Years on pg. 63 states: "During 1917, London , Ontario, began to get some of the [phonograph production] action...and the prestigious Sherlock-Manning Piano Company of London made an attempt to satisfy piano and phonograph lovers with a single offering.  Its combination piece, introduced at the Canadian National Exhibition, consisted of a piano with an electric phonograph installed behind a sliding panel in much the same location as a player-piano roll."

Image from pg. 63:

On pg. 65: "Meanwhile, the Sherlock-Manning Piano Company of London, already in the market with its piano-phonograph combination line, announced a new phonograph "worthy of any home" and then went on to urge Londoners to "Stop look and listen--then Buy."

Image from pg. 65--from the wording it could be the Canadian Music Trades Journal:

Machine owned by Ross Amos, Victoria, B.C.  Looks like the model "Baby Grand" above:

Meisselbach Motor #9 from New Jersey.


Ross also mentioned: "$300.00 Retail? thats $4000 [in] 2016 dollars Explains the 3/4 inch solid Mahogany and the Heavy duty motor that looks like it could power a moped.
[There is] a light with switch. Upon investigation I found a holder that looks like it would fit an old style Dry Cell. Photos attached. [below]


