Chinese Festival 2006

I don't know if it was first but 'The Taste Of The Danforth'--the blow-out street festival in our neighbourhood that draws over 1,000,000 people over a weekend--is the envy of other areas of the City.  This year we visited the Chinese Food Festival in China Town 2 (On Spadina, which used to be the Jewish neighbourhood.  Not to be confused with China Town 1 which is behind City Hall or 3 which is at Broadview and Gerrard in Riverdale--which is Vietnamese actually--or 4 which is in Markam...oh, nevermind.).  Like 'The Taste' they had food stalls and music and part of Spadina blocked off.  They have a way to go to match the Danforth closing--which should be up on the site shortly.

Then Cheryl and I were abandoned as we bicycled down to the Dragon Boat Races by Ontario Place.   On the way we noted a couple of things.  First there was this post that agrees with our observations around the house of the place of cats in the world.

Then we happened to pass the beer festival at Old Fort York.  I don't know about you, but I find something sad about the fact that they use the oldest structure in Toronto for this.

Of course, where folks drink a lot of beer...

Then, we made it down to the dragon boat races at Ontario Place--which was appropriately decorated.

On the way home, we went through the 'experiment' at Harbourfront where traffic in one direction was blocked and a bicycle lane installed.  It would be nice if this was permanent as this area is in the middle of a cross-Toronto bike path and is usually a very dangerous area.  On this path they created Arc de Triomphe for Bikes?
