Week 7 Storm
May 15- 16

What a spring for storms.  I had biked home and we went up and inspected the work in the third storey.  As I looked out the window I witnessed the CN Tower get a direct hit from a massive lightning bolt!  (It gets a gazillion a year, but I will now have a new hobby to watch them!)  We went down for dinner and the wind became quite the gale and we had an amazingly wet downpour.  Apparently just west of us there was a suspected tornado touch down as well as hail.  Well, the next day downtown Toronto streets were closed off all the way around First Canadian Place--the tallest building in Canada and the 37th tallest in the world (CN Tower is the tallest free standing structure in the world).

Those of us who worked there were forced to use the underground tunnels to get in and out.

The news said that a 140kg (300 lbs) marble tile had fallen from around the 60th floor.  I walked around to see if I could find where it came off.

Sure enough, on the south corner of the west side...(if you count down from 72 it looks like the 50th floor)...

Imagine the energy that sucker had when it landed!

The streets were closed the entire day for fear that something else might fall.

King Street was closed the next day.  They had already replaced the tile.

I guess, to make sure that no one was in danger they closed the food court under where they were working.  You can see the work area through the glass ceiling of the food court (taken from the where the sign is).
